
Showing posts from January, 2021

2021 Newsletter - Quarter 1 of 4

 Welcome Learners, It is 2021!  Officially, for almost a month now, right?!  How do your learning journals look?  They must be filled with so much by now?  This quarter, we are making it one of our priority goals to keep you updated with the resources you need to support your learning.  Keeping up through the blog is a great place to keep up with ideas, this is how we will be posting our newsletters.  But we also do our best to keep up the social medias; you can help by keeping us updated with tips, on what you like AND how we can improve. This post is a quick read so we can all get back to getting things accomplished.  Get to learning in the real world! Educationally Always, MaMaws' Montessori

Playtime @ MaMaws' Montessori

  Today's playtime was, in part, I inspired by some neat-o toys acquired at our local fast food store (see tags) and let us tell you, they are a hit with our LO! You'll notice, in the picture,  an arrangement of toys to structure the concept of exploration. A 1,000 cube, a couple of kid's meal toys, a gift from the holidays, and an old toy of mine were gathered to provide an opportunity to have some fun and learn at the same time? After playing with the rubrics puzzle for a while, he discovered that turning the xylophone upside down made a different set of sounds, than when it was turned the way I played it down. The picture is blurry due to the fact that he was using the mallet to push and pull the toys in the arrangement he felt was most optimal for play.  ☺ Pose for the camera! Possibly the cutest picture from today's play: "Rabbi with Son."

MaMaws' Meat Loaf & Balls

Hello there, Thanks for stopping by! I'm going to leave these pictures here for now, then I'll update with the details later? Of course, if you want our complete recipe (or to try some)  you'll need to contact us directly for pricing and scheduling ;) Obviously, we substituted ingredients and added some extras to make it to our liking. Ok, real quick, we had a little under 2 lbs of meat; this yielded 24 1oz meatballs and a small meal loaf.