How did we get here? A bit more about us.

How Did We Get Here?

A Bit More About Us

My name is Rachel and Brian, my husband, and I will be expecting our first LO later this year. 
Both of us are in the field of education in southeast Texas, he is a professor in the Theater Arts ๐ŸŽญdepartment at our local four year university (5 years running) and my experience has been at the upper elementary levels in Title 1 public schools since 2014. 

We have recently started a company together with a focus on professionals in the fitness ๐Ÿ‹, wellness ๐Ÿ“ฟ, and mindfulness industries. 
Obvi – education will be a big deal too ๐Ÿ˜‰

I originally intended to take some time off to recover from an unexpected surgery over the summer, thankfully Brian was oober supportive, and during this time I discovered a term that would turn how I have been applying everything I learned about pedagogy on its head. 

Let me explain…

With the majority of my formal knowledge about the early years of education, and how they should be structured/applied, was born from an assumption that the setting, the learning ๐Ÿซ, would take place in a public school environment.  Then, when researching milestones in development connected with BLW (Baby Led Weaning) a particular term kept creeping into practically every article that I read….


I have spent many hours researching the different ways this concept is understood and applied, as well as the alternative methodologies concerning social, cognitive, emotional, and sensory development in the early years.  We  have all heard that we learn more between years 0-3 ๐Ÿ‘ถ compared to any other time in our life!  This means that there must be a healthy understanding of a child’s development and their “check-points”, if you will, so the relationship between you and your LO can be strengthened as well.

How do I know I can do this?

That ❔ runs through my head about 1,000 times a week.  But, at least for the next decade or so, we are doing this.  If you are interested in our process, please follow along this blog series.  It is my hope to share with yall my family’s journey down the road to understanding, and hopefully mastering, mindful Montessori.

Next time, I will break down the two “basics” I am learning more about while making the transition between public school and homeschooling.  I have also started an FAQ post, so please share your questions so I can have something to update! ๐Ÿ˜

Thanks for your time. ;-)


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