Calm the Fudge Nuggets Down

Ok yall, disclaimer alert!  I know this blog has been all over the place; however, from here on out I will be focusing A-LOT on parenting and brain/baby development.  If this is going to be weird for you, or make you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to find another blog.  If you decide to stay, thank you for your support! ❣
If you have been around, you know how much time we (B and I) have been spending on research…
Research about WHAT you ask?  Well, about…
-          Parenting strategies, 
-          Sleeping options,
-          Bottle vs breast feeding,
-          To sleep train or not,
-          Brain development,
-          Motor development, 
-          Sensory development… 
Aaaaaand I could go on!  Basically, trying to prepare and long-term plan ourselves for the next 18 years; with a focus on the next few months.  For all you parents (and soon-to-be’s) out there, have you been there?  Trying to balance the way things have “always been done”, what you hear from your friends and support group, what you partner’s family think is best, what you find out about best practices and current research, and ANY OTHER variables out there?  To say that you start to experience decision paralysis is DEFINITELY an understatement.  It is almost like you have been thrown into a murky swamp of questions and it is difficult to not feel like you are drowning.
This is why I feel compelled to share with you all some of the resources I find, ones that I view as a tether to some sense of calm in the waters; people out there who are publishing content that seem to make the wading through the waters a bit less murky and, quite frankly, give me a sense of “can-do”.  I share them with you all with the hope they do the same for you!
Today’s content share is from a podcast I find myself listening to weekly (not to mention her youtube channel and website when I have the chance) because this woman in ON FIRE with regards to posting content, no matter how you like to view/listen.  Mindful Parenting Coach and a Childhood Designer, Avital and her Parenting Junkie Show is my weekly beacon on keeping it together.  
This post will focus on her few most recent episodes (I believe numbers 26-29, the title of this portion is from # 28 which you can find here) about the great debate about SCHOOLING!  From traditional schooling to the various types homeschooling: unschooling, part-time schooling, child-lead curriculum, parent-lead curriculum, etc.  She has helped me not only understand the differences between them, but what I appreciate most is how she is so careful to show understanding for all types of intentional parenting. 

Not to mention, she has some amazing quotes to practice my font-making skills on 😉.

I would LOVE to hear what you think about that episode, or anything else I have mentioned, by email or in the comments below!
Thanks for stopping by and until next time remember to



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