TOYS or Learing

Whether you are conscious of the play pandemic, manically minding mindfulness, or just trying to do what’s best (like us?) Then you may share and the feeling of overwhelmed-ness at times.?

If you’re ever curious about my punctuation theories on this blog just let me know? ;)

However, name brands are always a great tool; however, sometimes you just have to go with your gut. Below you will see a couple of Learning resources (aka: toys) we purchased on the web recently.

This all wooden tree is a great activity for little one to sink his budding teeth into, and we are eager to teach him how to pick up;


This was originally purchased with the intent to be a night light but it has turned out to be so much more than that;

Do you go by name brand? How do you choose your toys, learning resources, or other ways to Montessori?


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