Meals @ MaMaws' Montessori

Welcome back!

If you found this link, you are probably curious as to how meals look around the MaMaws' Montessori Compound?  Well, allow us to show you one example?

We usually take inspiration from recipes tried by others; how else do you know they will work, right?!  This week, the inspo came from Pinterest:

Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup

It'll stick to your ribs!

I fell for this recipe when I first made it!  How can you not when you consider the following:
3.  It contains carrots, celery and onion, and garlic,
4. InstaPot and Pressure Cooker friendly,
fellow readers, if you don't feel the same way as I, about the above list of items, feel free to close your browser window at this time.  Or, check out the links above and reference your favorite search engine to research how each of these ingredients can improve your current diet?

If you are still with us, check out how our venture went!

  1. Gather all of your ingredients and prepare them ahead of the cooking process.  Please, excuse our messy counters!

2. Separate those to be added to the cooker from the ingredients for the sauce.

3. Here is where we went off script!  Instead of "adding all ingredients at once" we decided to add in a little flavor and brown things up a bit.  Turning the sautés function on high then added onion, celery, carrots each separately, in that order, allowing a bit of cook time between.  We wait until the aromatics are noticeable or the onions have turned translucent.

***ZOOM IN***

4. At this step the spices and garlic were added and cooked till fragrant.  

5. Next is adding in the broth and rice.  Whoops, skipped a couple of pictures!  

6. Although, when it is my turn for sauce making duties, I usually need both hands for the process.  Btw, I would recommend using a large skillet or sauce pan.

6 Tbsp butter + 1 cp flour = A LOT

7. When natural release has completed, it is time to combine the roux a ingredients from the cooker.  Can't you tell how YUMMY it looks from the picture?

How is this Montessori?  The L.O. stood at his Baby Gate and got to see a loving parental figure prepare something nourishing for their body, mind, and soul.  

K was able to see that food isn't always prepared by someone else.  He is able to see the process of preparing, cooking, enjoying, and cleaning up after each meal.

He also got to nom nom on some yummy celery and carrots while Mom was in a state of mise en place.

Let us know how it turned out for your family?!  Or, please contact us for pricing and scheduling.


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