TPT Issues

 The purpose of this post is to explain some things...

    First, we want to thank those of you who have been following and supporting our journey through these past few years.  Since becoming certified in 2014 the education industry has been a turbulent one to become involved in, to say the least!

    Now, this morning's maintenance of our Teachers Pay Teachers account has shown to have some glitchy elements.  To help diffuse some confusion, allow us to explain a few things about our site at the moment.

    The products listed on the page were originally intended to support the classroom of Ms. R. Guidry (or by her other last name) when she was teaching in the public school setting; specifically through the 2014/2015 and 2017/2018 school years.  From the 2018/2019 school years and beyond, the products will be tailored toward homeschooling and smaller school settings.  We cannot control the intent behind your downloads.

   If you are gaining access to our store to download products to support your public school classroom, you will still be able to find it on our store.

    If you are gaining access for homeschooling, or school at home (also known to some as un-schooling) please continue to read ahead.

    We assume you have already purchased and downloaded our powerpointPDF here explaining how basic curriculum is created, as well as key buzz words to help you find activities to support skill building.  This is to aide those "non-teacher folk" as a summary of curriculum building.  The product is meant to be for all learners, educators, and families aiming to school at home; basically for the public. Common sense to some, non-sense to most!

    Once you have read and understood the content in that pdf, then you are ready to go on to our more "complex" explanation.  This product is not intended for all.  When the word complex is used, the intent implied is that it be used when the previous document is found wanting.  Without direct person to person communication, it is highly improbably (impossible?) to create a document that isn't "re-inventing the wheel" as far as standards in curricula go.

Basically, the easiest way to get YOUR learning path, is to contact us directly (, or message through the other medias) AND let us know you are a learner or family who would like our services.

If you are at the page for a "quickie shop" (aka browse, click, & download) please use the non MMM products; those posted after the 2018/2019 school years.


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